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Lymington CE Infant School

Online Safety

Children have access to many online platforms in an ever changing technological world. At Lymington Infant School we support our children's use of the internet and teach them about age appropriate digital safety through PHSE and Computing lessons. We use the 'Education for a Better Connected World' framework to equip children for digital life.  This focuses on eight key aspects; self-image and identity, online relationships, online reputation, online bullying, managing online information, health, well-being and lifestyle, privacy and security and copyright and ownership. These discussions help our children to build up resilience, develop critical thinking and become responsible users of technology.  We also use the following books to embed key messages.


Please use the links below to help keep your child safe online.

Parent Zone Online Safety

Conversation staters about your child's online life.......

Parent Advice


Childnet is a UK-based charity who empower children, young people, and those who support them in their online lives, and its mission is to work with others to make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people.
Launched in 1995, just two years after the public launch of the open web, Childnet has delivered a positive impact with its empowering, youth led, evidence based and collaborative approach to online safety and giving children and young people the skills they need to navigate the internet safely and in a positive way. Please use the resources on the Childnet website which is designed to help parent with online safety.

The Digiduck® collection has been created to help parents and teachers educate children aged 3 – 7 about online safety. The collection includes a ebooks, PDFs, a poster and an interactive app.

 National Online Safety

CBBC guide to staying safe online

E safety - National Grid for Learning


TikTok is a popular online sharing platform. Please see the links below to help you as parents become more knowledgeable about the app and how to help safeguard your children.

Parents’ Ultimate Guide to TikTok (Commonsense Media)             TikTok app safety – What parents need to know (Internet Matters)