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Lymington CE Infant School

Little Dolphins



Lymington Little Dolphins

We are delighted that Lymington Little Dolphins operate from a purpose built community room within our school.  The pre- school is owned by Trustees, which is made up from parents of the pre-school.  The Trustees work together with the Manager and the Deputy Manager to oversee the smooth running of the pre-school.

Lymington Little Dolphins is a registered early years provider offering places to children aged 2 years 9 months to school age. They are a highly popular and successful community-focused group, predominately serving Lymington and the surrounding area.

Sharing the same school site enables us to work closely with our colleagues in the pre school.  We share expertise on behaviours for learning, early intervention with speech and language, routines and SEN support.  

For more information about Little Dolphins Pre-School please click below

Lymington Little Dolphins