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Lymington CE Infant School

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)

PSHE Intent

We aim to provide an accessible PSHE curriculum which allows pupils to grow and develop into active citizens with a growing understanding of our rapidly changing, diverse world. As a result of this we hope that they grow into healthy individuals with effective strategies to manage; mental health and well-being, growth mind-set and resilience. We provide children with the opportunity to understand how they are developing personally and socially, and give them confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of values and will be given the vocabulary to be able to articulate their feelings. We give children the knowledge to be able to make informed choices with regards to diet and exercise. The learning will aim to build upon children’s prior experiences to provide understanding of the diversity in our country as a whole in terms of race, religion, relationships.  The intent is to develop tolerant, respectful young people, prepared for their future lives. 

PSHE Implementation


Please click on the link below to find out more about Teaching and Learning in PSHE at Lymington Infants, including how we teach it (pedagogy) and assessment.