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Lymington CE Infant School

Useful Links

The New Forest Directory provides a consolidated list of all local agencies, organisation and support services.  For example, it provides information on claiming benefits, housing and accommodation, alcohol and drug counselling, furniture, samaritans and links to many more services

Directory of Support in the New Forest

Help with the cost of living

If you are worrying about the cost of living, please look at the advice and support available in the New Forest

Download the above leaflet

Support available to new Forest residents

Christians against Poverty run a money and debt service which includes help with budgeting and support with the cost of living.  Our local CAP Help with Debt Centre is run in partnership with Lymington Baptist Church. You can call 0800 328 0006 and they will put you in touch, or pop into the Baptist Church. 

Christians Against Poverty

Information about support for the cost of utilities, food and fuel for Hampshire families can be found below.  This also includes food vouchers, community pantries and housing costs.

Household Support Fund

Hampshire Healthy Families

For all things health and families in Hampshire, please follow the link to the portal below.  You will also be able to request some additional support from your local school nurse via the Primary page on this portal below.

Hampshire Healthy Families

If you are worried about your child's health, Chat Health offers a simple and confidential messaging service for parents to provide health related support.

Chat Health

For advice and guidance around children's continence and toileting issues, please visit any of these helpful resources below;

ERIC  Bowel and Bladder UK  Healthier Together

Are you eligible for Pupil Premium Funding


 You may be eligible if you or your partner receive:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit – if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get

Click here to see if you are eligible

It is a quick and simple online form and the only information you will need is:

  • Your own name and date of birth
  • Contact details
  • National Insurance Number or National Asylum Seekers Number
  • Child’s name and date of birth
  • School your child is attending/will attend                                                                                                                               

There are so many benefits—not just a free meal:

  • One free after school club
  • Free school sweater annually
  • Free P.E Kit Bag
  • Subsidised music tuitionChat Health




Oxford Owl Library-Please sign up to Oxford Owl to have access to the free e-book library.

Audible- some children’s audiobooks are available via this link.

Literacy Shed– downloadable resource packs with tasks based on video clips on YouTube.

The Children’s Poetry Archive-an archive of spoken poetry recordings. Children can listen to poems read out loud.


Hamilton Trust-downloadable resource packs with teacher guidance. A week’s worth of resources is provided for each year group.

Mathematics Mastery-downloadable guidance and resource packs for parents and pupils.

Nrich-a range of activities. Some are interactive and some are to be completed offline. Activities are categorised by age range.

Numberblocks-ideas for numeracy development designed for children aged 0 to 6. There are fun activities that can be applied to everyday life and play.

Topmarks-a range of interactive maths games categorised by age group.

White Rose Maths-presentations and downloadable workbooks which are easy to use for parents. New material is being released each week.


BBC Bitesize-interactive resources covering the primary science curriculum.

STEM Learning-an online resource bank, which links to resources on external websites. The site features a live chat function offering support from subject experts. New home learning resources are being developed.


Disney 10 Minute Shakeups-10-minute activities based on Disney films that count towards a child’s 60 active minutes per day.

SuperMovers– videos which help children move while they learn. They support curriculum subjects, including maths and English.