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Lymington CE Infant School

Vision and Values

Our Vision

Our core Christian values of love, courage and respect shape everything we do. We support children to become happy, confident and fulfilled individuals who build positive relationships. We help them understand and make a positive contribution to our diverse and rapidly changing society, and to challenge injustice in the world.

Our school Vision picture

 Core purpose

At Lymington CE Infant School we provide a happy, safe and inspiring learning environment based on Christian principles.
By following Jesus’ example of showing a caring attitude towards others, we explore ways of helping each other and our neighbours, both in the local community and the wider world. Our school promotes an understanding and respect for our diverse society in order to foster a sense of global citizenship.

We recognise that we live in a fast changing world and therefore want our children to have a genuine understanding and connection with the natural environment to fuel a passion for, and a desire to, protect the world around them. Every child will be equipped to have healthy relationships with the changes in technology. We encourage learners to think creatively to prepare them for a rapidly changing workplace and diverse future. They will reflect critically on their choices and challenge others with an ethical, non-judgmental nature and an open mind to become advocates of change.

We provide memorable opportunities for the children to work collaboratively, solve problems and reflect. Our curriculum supports and develops resilient and active learners, encouraging every child to become adventurous, adaptable and ambitious.

Our Values

Our core values are: Love, Courage and Respect

Love is the most important core Christian value for our school.   We show love in our school by being kind with one another and by nurturing and supporting one another.

We are also forgiving of others when we fall out.  Alongside our lessons in Heart smart and PSHE, we draw on a whole range of stories such as Lucy’s Quarrel, The Lost Sheep and The Good Samaritan to illustrate this.

On a daily basis we want the children to carry the value of love and demonstrate this in all they say and do.  


Courage is all about standing up for what we know is right.  We teach the children that when we see people treated unfairly, we must challenge this and try to do something to change that.  We are also expected to show courage when we have difficult decisions to make in life.

On a daily basis we want children to have the courage to say “no” when they’re pressured to do something they know is wrong as well as the courage to stick at a task, even when it’s hard.


Respect is an important core value because it is the foundation stone of relationships within our school and wider community. We teach the children we are all worthy of respect and we should respect each other regardless of our differences, values and beliefs.

On a daily basis we want children to show respect as an integral part of all their relationships in school, valuing one another in our daily life and celebrating our differences.

We are also expected to show respect for our school and wider environment.   We know that in order to protect our world we will have to make changes to the way we live now.