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Lymington CE Infant School


Writing Intent

We aim for pupils to be able to communicate and compose coherent and effective writing in a range of forms, for a range of readers and for a range of reasons. Pupils will be able to apply a range of learnt literacy devices including grammatical structures and punctuation in order to write effectively. They will also be able to write clearly, legibly and fluently, with speed and accuracy as well as spelling accurately. Pupils will be given the opportunities to plan and organise ideas and content of writing for coherence and accuracy. In addition, they will improve writing through reflection, evaluation, feedback, proof-reading, revising, editing and redrafting. Pupils will have the opportunity to apply an appropriate and rich vocabulary in order to achieve purpose of the writing. Overall we aim for pupils to foster the enjoyment of writing, and to show recognition of its value.

Writing Implementation

 Please click on the link below to find out more about our Writing curriculum, including how we teach it (pedagogy) and assessment. 


Year R Grow the Code Grapheme Mat

Year 1 Grow the Code Grapheme Mat